Cup weekend in Daylesford
The first weekend in November is Melbourne Cup weekend - our annual long weekend for a horse race! This year we didn't do anything remotely related to horse racing, and instead headed to Daylesford for a chilled out weekend with our good friends, Taryn and Verge, and their two kids Theo and Charlie. Ella and Ollie have been friends with Theo and Charlie since we moved back to Melbourne in 2021. Not only were Charlie and Ella in the same prep class, but Theo and Charlie also attended daycare together back when they were 2 years old. It probably took until about halfway through that first year for us parents to realise the connections, but we've been good friends ever since. It helps that they are an expat family like us - Taryn and Verge are originally from South Africa and moved to Melbourne about a year before we moved back. Taryn's parents are similar to mine - they often visit for months at a time and have a long term plan to move to Melbourne... that is if they are ever...