Hooray for school holidays! I've got through my first term of teaching in Australia, and let me tell you I was no where near as exhausted on the last day of term as I normally am. A good sign, however I must keep in mind that it was a short term, only 8 weeks (due to Easter being so early this year) and next term will be much longer at 10 weeks. The longest I've ever had to teach without a break, eek!
Anyway, last weekend was Easter weekend and we had a lot of fun catching up with some new and old friends.
Good Friday we went for a long bike ride with Team Olympic Dreams, probably the first time we have all rode together since our
5am Richmond Park Ride. Actually it was the first time I've got out on my bike since we moved here and it felt so good! I am now re-determined to ride my bike to work, at least once or twice a week. We'll see how that goes next term...
We followed the Yarra River north-east all the way to Abbotsford where we passed a farm and waterfall (not quite as exciting as it sounds). If you follow the Yarra you will eventually get to Ivanhoe and quite near my school, however it is extremely windy and is about 20km each way, which is too long of a commute for me!
"waterfall" |
Saturday we drove to Port Phillip Island to stay the night with some new friends: Alan, Dan and Laura (I'm actually not great with coming up with nicknames for everyone so I'll probably just end up using real names from now on). Dan and Laura were lucky enough to have been lent a house to stay in by friends of theirs, who also generously told them they could invite some friends to stay at well. The house was gorgeous, right on the sea, a perfect beach house that you would aspire to have one day! We had a nice relaxing stay there and would like to return at some point to see the famous
Philip Island Penguins (although they are the same ones we have already seen in St. Kilda).
Beach house by the sea |
Port Philip Island |
Sunday we had lunch with Andy's friends from uni, Pete and Elle, who have just had a baby! Poppy is so cute and lovely and probably the best dressed baby we've ever seen. That's what happens when both your parents work in fashion!
Andy has been practicing his baby skills: holding, rocking, pushing the buggy, and seems quite enamoured with baby Poppy. I am glad he will be ready when we finally decide to have a little mcnoble of our own!
Andy and Poppy |