Covid Diaries: Week 7
A new format this week. I can't keep up the daily writing as I'm too busy at work, so I've decided to switch to a weekly update, in the same form as my former "currently" blog posts.
Week 7 of social distancing... April 25th - May 1st.
Andy finished off the rainbow craft we started last week and extended it to make a sun as well. These are posted in Ella’s bedroom window, facing the street for everyone to see.
Someone in the neighbourhood painted some rocks and a little sign on the path we walk around the marsh. People (including us) have been adding to it all week. It’s a fun thing to check out on our daily walk.
Ella and my mom created an obstacle course around our backyard, complete with squats, lunges and jumping jacks. It’s a pretty decent workout if you do a few laps.
The start of the week was pretty rainy, but we took both kids out for walks in the rain. Kids love rainy day walks, as adults we can be such wimps when it comes to going out in less than ideal weather. Well I can be anyway. But as always, I felt much better for getting outside and the weather wasn't actually as bad as I thought it was in my head. Ella and I went for a longer walk in the woods near the marsh, and Ollie stayed closer to home with Andy looking for puddles to splash in.
This week I discovered Just Dance on YouTube. SO MUCH FUN. Better than Zumba kids. My favourite right now is this one, I nearly have the dance down pat. I can't tell you how much fun I have doing these dances. I feel like it's not something I can do on my own (for some silly adult reason), so I have to beg Ella to do it with me.
Andy started marking up this map of places we've visited. It's colour-coded depending on whether we traveled there together or separately. Fun to look at, but depressing to think about the future of travel.

Andy started marking up this map of places we've visited. It's colour-coded depending on whether we traveled there together or separately. Fun to look at, but depressing to think about the future of travel.

On the first day of May we had beautiful spring weather and Ella and I went on a walk around the marsh. She was feeling tired so we stopped halfway around to have a rest on these big rocks. I always really love our one-on-one adventures.
My mom has been doing a lot of the cooking this week - mainly using the cookbook Yum and Yummer. This is an excellent cookbook, we’ve made tons of recipes from it. This week my mom made Lemon Raspberry Scones and Lemon Orzo Chicken Soup. Both recipes were winners.
I made Tahini butter cups, which are like peanut butter cups but with, duh, tahini. Very, very tasty and only a few ingredients: dark chocolate, coconut oil, dates, tahini and sea salt.
I read a silly chick lit novel called The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary this week. I got through it quickly and it kept me mildly entertained, but it’s not one I would recommend you rush out to buy. I am also slooooowly making my way through Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. It’s a very thick book and I can only absorb about 10 pages at a time so I’m expecting it to take me pretty much all year to get through. It's super interesting but I have to be in the mood to read it.
We watched the series finale of Homeland this week. We’ve watched all 8 seasons of Homeland, since it began and I think it was a really good show. I was nervous that the ending would be unsatisfactory (it’s so hard for a finale of an epic show to live up to everyone’s expectations… I’m looking at you Lost and Game of Thrones!) but in this case I think the ending was pretty much perfect.
I finally watched the last episode of Season 3 of The Crown. I just love sinking into an episode of The Crown, it somehow feels so indulgent. I’m sad I’ll be waiting a while for Season 4, which hasn’t set a release date yet. I did read that they finished filming it in February so hopefully we won't have to wait too long for the next season... where we will be introduced to Princess Diana!
Andy and I watched the first episode of “Home” on Apple TV. Each episode focuses on an innovative home which is sure to give you a serious case of home-envy. The first episode is set in Sweden, in this incredible house that is surrounded by a greenhouse. It looked like such a peaceful place to live.
Ella has been learning about 2D and 3D shapes this week. Everyone learned what a "rhombus" is. (I already knew, yes it's one of the more obscure things I teach as a math teacher.)
Andy did a cool photography project with his Grade 5s. Here was his photo that he used to show his students - it's a visual representation of his life right now. You can imagine how long it took to get decent shots with the two kids!
In the news…
Ella has been learning about 2D and 3D shapes this week. Everyone learned what a "rhombus" is. (I already knew, yes it's one of the more obscure things I teach as a math teacher.)
Andy did a cool photography project with his Grade 5s. Here was his photo that he used to show his students - it's a visual representation of his life right now. You can imagine how long it took to get decent shots with the two kids!
In the news…
Doug Ford, the Premier of Ontario, announced a few new business that could open as of next week. Nurseries will be open for deliveries and curbside pickups and golf courses have been told they can start to prepare greens for the season. Although the golf courses cannot open yet, this was a very welcome announcement for Andy. Ford has also been pretty positive about how Ontario has managed to flatten the curve and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. So that is all good news. Maybe we will return to school before the end of this school year after all? (SPOILER ALERT: No we will not.)