Ella Turns 5!
Last week was Ella's fifth birthday. Wow! Five years old! It's strange how we percieve time. On one hand, I can't believe I have been a mother for five years, but on the other, I can't really remember not being a mother. When I think back to my pre-children days, it's like I'm watching a movie of someone else's life.
Celebrating Ella's birthday while social distancing measures are still in place meant there was no big party with everyone from her class. Was I secretly happy about this? Yes, yes I was. Surely I'm not the only parent who feels this way about children's birthday parties, right? Luckily Ella didn't seem to notice the lack of party, and we tried our best to make the day special for Ella.
When she woke up there were cards for her, along with five bright pink Gerber daisies. This girl loves her flowers, and pink ones are her favourite. She was pretty chuffed to be given exactly five of them as well.
Next we played a game of hide and seek, where she discovered her "big" gift: a new scooter, as she has really outgrown her old one. Andy and I then took her and Ollie for a scooter ride. Ella was very happy to bestow Ollie with her old scooter, and seemed to really enjoy riding the new one.
After brunch we played another game of hide and seek in the garden for a second present: kinetic sand. I've never played with kinetic sand before, it is so cool! Ollie actually loved it so we'll probably end up getting some more for him.

When Ollie went for his nap we let Ella know her next surprise: me, Andy and her were going to build a tent in the basement and have a sleepover! She was super excited about the sleepover and for the rest of the day kept asking if it was almost bedtime. Our "tent" was actually just a blanket draped over the back of two futons, with mattresses on the floor under it, but she loved it.

Once Ollie was up we had birthday cake. My mom made this cool unicorn cake as unicorns are currently Ella's favourite animal (along with every other little girl in the world).

Once Ollie was up we had birthday cake. My mom made this cool unicorn cake as unicorns are currently Ella's favourite animal (along with every other little girl in the world).
We then let Ella open the rest of her presents, which were just some small things: clothes, books some lego and a pair of "hoppers" for her and Ollie.
After dinner and bath we put Ollie to bed and then snuggled in with Ella in the basement to watch the movie Monsters Inc. This is the first movie night we have ever had with Ella and it was so fun! Now that she is getting older I'm looking forward to doing things like this with her. Near the end of the movie we got a text from my parents (who were having a socially distanced drink on the neighbour's patio) letting us know that there were some fireworks going off in the field behind Ella's school. Ella shares her birthday with Canada Day, so normally there would be huge fireworks displays across the country to celebrate. This year they were all cancelled of course, but that didn't stop individuals from putting on their own small fireworks displays. We all went outside to watch them, and then opened up some sparklers my mom had bought. Ella loved it and it was such a great way to end her birthday.

By the time all the fireworks and sparkler excitement was over, it was nearly 10pm. We finished the last 10 minutes of Monsters Inc. and then the three of us snuggled into our basement tent. Ella fell asleep within about two minutes, and Andy and I followed not long after. All in all, I think it was a memorable fifth birthday for Ella.
After dinner and bath we put Ollie to bed and then snuggled in with Ella in the basement to watch the movie Monsters Inc. This is the first movie night we have ever had with Ella and it was so fun! Now that she is getting older I'm looking forward to doing things like this with her. Near the end of the movie we got a text from my parents (who were having a socially distanced drink on the neighbour's patio) letting us know that there were some fireworks going off in the field behind Ella's school. Ella shares her birthday with Canada Day, so normally there would be huge fireworks displays across the country to celebrate. This year they were all cancelled of course, but that didn't stop individuals from putting on their own small fireworks displays. We all went outside to watch them, and then opened up some sparklers my mom had bought. Ella loved it and it was such a great way to end her birthday.

By the time all the fireworks and sparkler excitement was over, it was nearly 10pm. We finished the last 10 minutes of Monsters Inc. and then the three of us snuggled into our basement tent. Ella fell asleep within about two minutes, and Andy and I followed not long after. All in all, I think it was a memorable fifth birthday for Ella.